Patriot Guard Riders

Patriot Guard Riders

The Patriot Guard Riders is an IRC 501(c)(3) organization entirely comprised of volunteers. They have no paid staff.  Their largest expense is legal bills.

Patriot Guard Riders are famously known as motorcycle riders who stand for our fallen, although they do not require motorcycle ownership as a condition of membership.  They attend funerals of fallen heroes – military and first responder alike – to shield the family of the fallen from protesters and those who would seek to disrupt the funeral and dishonor the service of the fallen. It is their mission to carry out this honourable task in a lawful manner, but legal issues still arise.

These men and women, the volunteers of Patriot Guard Riders, attend their duties at their own expense. No money is paid to the members for attending the funerals of the fallen.  No office staff is paid to answer the phone or solicit donations or organize fundraisers.

It is a shame that there is a need for an organization like Patriot Guard Riders. As long as there is need, it is their mission to stand in the gap.  For this, they should each be saluted.

Patriot Guard Riders have had some conflict in their history.  Primarily this conflict occurred with Westfield Baptist Church, a group organized under religious auspices of their own church to protest funerals of fallen military members. While at some times these activities have been quite publicized, these conflicts have not been so prevalent in recent years.


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