Page 20 - March 2021 TTI
P. 20

emotionally and in many other ways over this type of       o A parent wants to rid her/himself of the other
          ordeal.                                                      abusive parent.
                                                                     o A parent wants to get a better advantage in a child
          Not surprisingly, Dr. Pearson was found “Not Guilty”         custody/divorce case.
          by a jury of his peers.  Dr. Pearson is an extremely       o An illegal immigrant wants to better their
          fortunate person to have found an aggressive lawyer and      opportunities to receive victim benefits and
          private investigator to work in his behalf and he had the    receive an accelerated process for legal status in
          Lord’s favor.  Even though he was found “Not Guilty”         this country.
          he will continue to face lasting effects from this life    o A child who wants to liberate themselves from the
          changing event.                                              strict parent who prevents them from doing
                                                                       things that they feel entitled to.
          Society’s consensus about those accused of any sexual      o A child who wants to save face from placing
          crime against a child is that “One wouldn’t be charged       themselves in a situation where they will be in
          with something like this had there not been some truth       trouble and this will shift the focus away from
          to it.” If the defendant is found “Not Guilty”, many         that wrong act.
          will just say, “He must have had a good attorney”          o A young person who faces “buyer’s remorse” for a
          believing the defendant only succeeded through the           sexual interaction that they willingly participated
          skill and efforts of a good attorney. The social stigma is   in with a young person of only 2-3-year age
          something that the defendant will deal with for the rest     difference.  There is a defense to prosecution for
          of his life.                                                 sexual acts with another who is less than 3 years
                                                                       in age difference.  However, this so-called victim
          These Crimes Against Children cases and the Assault          is not desiring the accused person to go to jail.
          Family Violence crimes are the only real charges where       They merely want other people to believe they
          someone faces the “Guilty until PROVEN Innocent”             were not willing partners to prevent punishment
          attitude and relentless police efforts to prove the case.    by a parent who caught them in the act.  Also,
          The police do not feel the urgency to fully investigate a    some are fearful that a boy/girlfriend would break
          Crimes Against Children case to prove the                    up with them if they were willing to engage in the
          defendant’s/suspect’s innocence as they might in other       act.
          cases. They feel an urgency to protect the child, which    o Revenge.
          is a commendable attribute, however, if the child is       o Jealousy.  Whether due to rejection or some
          falsely accusing another person, it prevents the officer’s   competitive attitude towards another has been the
          objectivity.                                                 motive of some. The complainants were
                                                                       convinced that this would be a great way to “show
          One must wonder why anyone would falsely accuse              them” that they are a force to be dealt with.
          someone of such a horrendous crime. These cases do         o Attention.  Some children learn of the attention
          not need evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable         other’s get by being a victim of these crimes and
          doubt because jurors have a difficult time believing that    they emulate the things they see and hear.  Some
          a child would ever lie about something like this. They       children are quite desperate for attention and will
          also believe a child would not know the words to             do anything to get it.
          express had they not truly been a victim. How would
          they know how to describe bodily functions or sexual    In summation, the defendant loses lots of money, lots
          acts if they had never experienced them?                of time, possibly his job or even his career, his family
                                                                  time, some family members may lose faith in him, his
          In this writer’s experience false allegation case naratives   home, his dignity and respect from others, and his
          are learned by either a parent coaching a child to say   current and future reputation. Remember those
          what is needed or from watching television shows like   database companies who buy up the indictments?  It
          “Law & Order SVU” and other popular crime shows.        takes approximately 3 years to get the records expunged
          Motivations for false accusations include:              in the “Not Guilty” verdict. Then there is the task of
                                                                  contacting every database provider in America who

          18 | MARCH 2021                                                                           THE TEXAS INVESTIGATOR
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